Tactile distortion

A tactile distortion is the experience of a perceived alteration in one's sense of touch. This is distinct from that of a tactile hallucination, as it exclusively alters the perception of pre-existing sensations and does not add any new content.

Tactile distortions can manifest in a variety of different styles, but the most common examples include:

  • Textures and surfaces feeling softer, sharper, smoother, rougher, hotter, colder, etc, than they usually would.
  • Tactile sensations persisting longer than they usually would, often well after the person has stopped touching the initial object that triggered it.
  • The spreading of tactile sensations throughout the rest of the body, often starting at its genuine origin point before propagating across the skin.
  • Tactile sensations occurring in regions of the body other than their specific origin point.

Tactile distortions are often accompanied by other coinciding effects, such as tactile hallucinations and changes in felt bodily form. They are most commonly induced under the influence of hallucinogenic compounds, such as psychedelics, deliriants, and salvia divinorum.

This effect seems to be mentioned within the following trip reports:

Profound religious experience

on February 17, 2013 - Oscarette
  • LSD 300ug Oral




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